Discover the SiteMinder and Bookboost integration

Make the most out of your guest data and take your guest experience to another level with the integration between the channel manager between the channel manager software SiteMinder and Bookboost, the platform you need to make the best use of your guest data and enhance the guest experience.

What can you do with the integration between Bookboost & SiteMinder?

You can share your guest reservation data from one of SiteMinder’s supported PMSs to Bookboost. This will enable you to:

  1. Clean your guest data (match & merge)
  2. Get profound insights from your data
  3. Build advanced segmentation & personalised marketing campaign
  4. Save time by automating repetitive tasks
  5. Schedule guest communications on the preferred channel (email, WhatsApp, SMS, etc.)
  6. Dynamic campaign templates (based on reservation data)
  7. Enhance the digital guest experience

How does the integration work?

The integration is quick and easy. After it is done, our experts will start setting up all the necessary features to enjoy SideMinder and Bookboost.

Upplev kraften i Bookboost

Lås upp potentialen i din gästfrihetsverksamhet med Bookboost.