Guest Feedback

Get feedback from your guests in the most effective way

Use our guest app to gather guest feedback and deeply understand your guests in an easy and effective way. Discover what they think about their stay and use it as fuel to improve your hotel’s offering and customer service.

Benefits of gathering guest feedback with Bookboost Guest Web App



Ask for feedback at the right time


Digital first

Forget about paper surveys


Better service

Guests’ opinions help you to improve your service



Make decisions based on insights coming directly from guests

Say goodbye to complicated feedback collection

Our guest web app simplifies the feedback process with a user-friendly interface. Guests can rate their stay on a scale from 1 to 5 stars, providing quick and quantifiable insights into their satisfaction levels. For more detailed feedback, the app offers a text field where guests can leave longer comments.

No need to log into other platforms, grab pen and paper, or send any email. The feedback gathering process is smooth and easy using Bookboost Guest Web App

Ranking from 1 to 5 starts

Text field for longer comments

Conditional logic

Customizable look and feel

Every brand asks for feedback differently. With our web app, there is no limit to how you can tailor the feedback experience to reflect your brand’s identity. Customize the look and feel of the feedback forms to match your hotel’s branding, ensuring a professional presentation.

This personalization not only enhances the guest experience but also encourages more engagement and higher response rates.

Add your logo and images

Integration with brand guide

Guest profile integration

Actionable insights for continuous improvement

In hospitality, gathering feedback is key! These insights will help you to make informed decisions for continuous improvement of your service and your property’s offerings. At the same time, you will be able to refine your customer strategies to drive more guest satisfaction and loyalty.

The feedback guests provide will be incorporated into their guest master profile, giving you the opportunity to easily revisit their answers and analyse further their opinions.

Detailed sentiment analysis

Audience segmentation

Actionable insights summaries

Create a seamless experience at check-in and check-out

Allow your guests to do it digitally and forget about paperwork and waiting lines.

Let’s deliver an amazing experience

Are you ready to increase your revenue and build lasting guest relationships? Take the first step today.