September 18th 3:00PM CET
Pre-arrival techniques to create a perfect stay

Hook them early: Pre-arrival techniques to create a perfect stay

Join this webinar to learn how to create the perfect pre-arrival experience.
September 18, 2024
3:00 PM
45 min
An afterwork you can’t miss.

You want to get your guests excited about their upcoming stay?

Then you need to work on your pre-arrival strategy.

Set the right expectations, create emotion, generate opportunities for more revenue, and more.

You will learn:

- How to set right pricing strategies for the pre-arrival stage

- How to use personalisation in your website for higher revenue

- Tactics to set up a communication campaign that drives higher upselling

- Tips to set the expectation for an unforgettable stay

Who is joining?


- Savina Karaivanova, Marketing & Product Strategist at UserGuest

- Anna Randow, Director of Sales at Bookboost

- Rhiannon Bach, Director of Sales at Atomize

- Konsuela Alatalo, Business Development Manager at UpsellGuru

Register today and learn how to optimise the pre-arrival stage for your property from hospitality leaders.

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